On June 1, 2023 at 15.00 in the National Historical Archives of Belarus (55 Kropotkin St., conference hall, room 29) there will be a presentation of the publication «Minsk Women’s Gymnasium. Photographic materials»

The book is the second in a series of collections that include photographic materials kept in the funds of the National Historical Archives of Belarus. It presents 443 photographs of students of the Minsk Women’s Gymnasium, as well as other persons who ended up in its fund at different times under different circumstances. Each photo document is accompanied by an annotation that indicates the search data, format, brief biographical information about the photographed person, the dimensions of the photo document, the content of the inscriptions, the title of the document to which the photo is directly attached, and its search data, the place of creation with the name of the photo studio (if any). ), its owner and the name of the settlement where it was located. The presented photographs were made in a photo studio that worked on the territory of modern Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia.

The publication is intended for the widest range of readers – professional researchers, genealogists, lovers of the history of photography, as well as anyone interested in the history of Belarus in the late 19th – early 20th centuries.

An exhibition of interesting archival documents related to the Minsk Women’s Gymnasium has been prepared for the event.

Contact faces:

Makarov Maksim Dmitrievich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Deputy Director of the National Historical Archive of Belarus – (017) 317 75 23.

Dmitry Cheslavovich Matveychik, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Head of the Research and Publication Department of the National Historical Archive of Belarus – (017) 392 64 58.