On March 30, 2023, within the framework of the Republican campaign «Archives for School», a workshop was organized on the basis of the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region on working with archival documents for second-year students of the Faculty of Humanities and Language Communications of Vitebsk State University. P.M.Masherov on the topic «Genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War».

As part of the decade dedicated to the day of memory of the victims of the Khatyn tragedy, the students visited the State Archives of the Vitebsk region, where they got acquainted with archival documents and materials on the genocide of the Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War. Those present got acquainted with the work of the archive and the peculiarities of conducting research work, listened to information about the Khatyn tragedy and the history of the creation of the Khatyn memorial complex. At the practical part of the lesson, students were able to study the originals and digital copies of documents and materials from the period of the Great Patriotic War, special attention was paid to documents on the investigation of the atrocities of Nazi criminals on the territory of Belarus.