The beginning of the research practice of undergraduates

On March 20, 2023, the research (industrial) practice of students of the magistracy of the Faculty of History of the Belarusian State University began at the National Historical Archives of Belarus. Its main goal is to give students practical skills in working with archival handwritten documents from different eras, which should improve their qualifications as researchers who, after completing the classes, will move on to direct labor activity in production.

Head of Practice from the NIA of Belarus Head of the Department of Research and Publication Activities D.Ch. Matveychik acquainted the undergraduates with the history of archiving in the Belarusian lands, the history of the NIA of Belarus, the composition and features of the institution’s funds, and the possibilities of their use in scientific research. The students also received practical advice from archivists on working with archive documents, which should help them during their internship and the implementation of their dissertation (master’s) projects.