To the 105th anniversary of the national poet of Belarus Pimen Panchenko (1917-1995)

Pimen Emelyanovich Panchenko was born on 23 August 1917 in Revel (now Tallinn, Estonia). His family returned to Belarus in 1921. In 1932, he graduated from Begoml seven-year school and completed preparatory courses for higher education. From January till August 1933, worked at a woodworking plant in Bobruisk. After graduating a one-year teacher training course in 1934, worked as head of Alyansk primary school, Bobruisk district, then as a teacher of Kozulichi school in Kirov district, Mogilev region. From 1938 he worked as a teacher of language and literature at Kirov school. At the same time, he studied by correspondence at the Department of Philology of Minsk Teachers’ Training Institute.

From 1939 to 1946, he was in the Red Army. During the Second World War, he was a special correspondent for the army and front-line newspapers Za Savetskuyu Belarus, Za Svobodnuyu Belarus, Geroichesky Shturm, and Sovetsky Patriot. Collaborated with the satirical magazines Partisanskaya Dubinka and Razdavim Fashistskuyu Gadziny. From 1944 to 1945, he was with Red Army units in Iran.

From 1946, he headed the editorial department of the magazine Vozhyk, from 1948, deputy editor-in-chief of the newspaper Litaratura i Mastatstva. In 1953-1958, editor-in-chief of the anthology Sovetskaya Otchizna, and in 1958-1966 editor-in-chief of the magazine Maladost. From 1966 secretary of the BSSR Writers’ Union (member from 1938).

In 1958, as a member of the BSSR delegation he participated in the 13th session of the UN General Assembly. Deputy of the BSSR Supreme Soviet in 1959-1967 and 1971-1990. Former Chairman of the Republican Peace Protection Committee. From 1990, member of the BSSR Writers’ Union. Awarded numerous orders and medals, honorary diplomas. Winner of state and literary prizes.

Died on the 2nd of April, 1995.

He translated into Belarusian some works by A. Mitskevich, N. Nagnibeda, Ya. Rainis, A. Surkov, F. Schiller, etc. He has authored literary, critical and journalistic articles. Popular Belarusian composers wrote songs to P. Panchenko’s lyrics. The poet’s works were translated into many languages.

The Belarusian State Archives-Museum of Literature and Art holds P. Panchenko’s personal collection (No. 430), which is represented by manuscripts (selections of poems, verse, articles, reviews, translations), correspondence, biographical documents, documents about the poet and collected by him, a collection of photographs.



1. П. Панченко. 1970-е гг.
БГАМЛИ. Ф. 430. Оп. 1. Ед. хр. 123. Л. 5.
2. П. Панченко. «Перад сустрэчай». Стихотворение. Машинопись. 24 сентября 1943 г.
БГАМЛИ. Ф. 430. Оп. 1. Ед. хр. 1. Лл. 22-23.
3. П. Панченко, И. Гурский, А. Кучар и П. Глебка на Калининском фронте. 1942 г.
БГАМЛИ. Ф. 312. Оп. 1. Ед. хр. 166. Л. 4.
4. П. Панченко. «Прыязджайце на Палессе! ». Стихотворение. Автограф с правкой. 16-17 марта 1953 г.
БГАМЛИ. Ф. 430. Оп. 1. Ед. хр. 3. Лл. 6-7.
5. П. Панченко. «Тысяча небасхілаў». Стихотворение. Автограф с правкой. 13 мая 1962 г.
БГАМЛИ. Ф. 430. Оп. 1. Ед. хр. 3. Лл. 12-13.
6. Ф. Шиллер. «Разбойнікі». Драма. Перевод П. Панченко с немецкого языка. Автограф переводчика с правкой. 1960-е – 1970-е гг.
БГАМЛИ. Ф. 430. Оп. 1. Ед. хр. 28. Лл. 1-3.
7. И. Лученок. «Песня аб Мінску». Для голоса. Слова П. Панченко. Вырезка из газеты, Автограф И. Лученка с правкой. 1975 г.
БГАМЛИ. Ф. 430. Оп. 1. Ед. хр. 32. Лл. 1-2.
8. П. Панченко во время встреч с читателями. 1970-е – 1980-е гг.
БГАМЛИ. Ф. 430. Оп. 1. Ед. хр. 127. Лл. 1-2.
9. Обложки книг П. Панченко.