Zonal State Archives in Krichev

Description of holdings

Amount of holdings: 1 150 fonds, 171 217 items

Chronological scope: from 1943 to the present

Geographical coverage: Klimovichi, Kostiukovichi, Krasnopolie, Krichev, Mstislavl, Khotimsk and Cherikov districts in the Mogilev region


The Archives holds records created by the district councils and executive committees, their divisions and commissions, which illustrate the history of economic developments in the district, contain data on the election committees and elections results, certificates on Nazi damage, etc.

There are records of district courts, notaries, prosecutor’s, education, healthcare, social welfare, culture, industry, agriculture, communal and consumer services.

The industrial development is illustrated in the documents of the Krichev Cement and Roofing Slate Plant, the Krichev Rubber Poducts Plant, the Klimovichi Building Materials Enterprise and the Klimovichi Distillery.

There is a collection of personnel records of the liquidated institutions.

Personnel records from seven organizations in Cherikov and Krasnopolie districts liquidated after the accident at the Chernobyl  Nuclear Plant were transferred to the district archives in Cherikov and Krasnopolie.

The Archives has a collection of digital master copies of the Extraordinary State Commission for Investigation of Nazi Crimes and Damage Caused to Citizens, Collective Farms, Public Organizations and Government Institutions in the USSR for the districts of Klimovichi, Kostyukovichi, Krasnopolie, Krichev, Mstislavl, Khotimsk and Cherikov in the BSSR, received from the State Archives of the Russian Federation.