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Belarusian Resistance / Official records of the governing bodies of the USSR and the BSSR concerning the struggle against the occupation of Belarus
Directive of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Communist Party to
the party, soviet and komsomol organisations concerning the intensification of guerrilla
warfare in the enemy rear.
1 July 1941.
(NARB, f. 4p, op. 3, d. 1209, l. 43-44) |
Order No 00189 by the USSR People’s Commissar for Defence "On
the tasks of partisan movement".
5 September 1942.
(NARB, f. 4, 33a, d. 146, l. 1-3) |
Instruction by the operations department at the Belarusian Partisan
Movement Staff concerning the air transportation of supplies to partisan groups in
March 1943.
(NARB, f. 1450, op. 3, d. 84, l. 13-15) |
Resolution by the 5th Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the
Belarusian Communist Party "On the current state and tasks of the party organs and
institutions in the occupied districts of Belarus".
28 February 1943.
(NARB, f. 4, op. 33a, d. 146, l. 4)
Order No 0042 by the chief of the Central Partisan Movement Staff at the
Supreme High Command Headquarters "On the partisan rail war on the enemy’s railway
14 July 1943.
(NARB, f. 4, op. 33а, d. 146, l. 7) |
Instructions by the chief of the Central Partisan Movement Staff,
Belarusian Party Secretary, P.K. Ponomarenko "On the tasks assigned to
partisans, commanders and political commissars in partisan groups and underground party
and komsomol organisations and committees".
21 September 1943.
(NARB, f. 4, op. 33а, d. 146, l. 8) |
Address to the population of the occupied districts of Belarus from the
Belarusian Government and the Party Central Committee (published in the weekly newspaper
of the Smolevichi Underground Party District Committee, Death to Fascism).
7 April 1944.
(NARB, f. 4, op. 33а, d. 143, l. 1) |