Map of Belarus showing the size of the area liberated before Operation
(BGAKFFD, 0-120524) |

The Katyusha rockets fire in salvoes during Operation Bagration.
Belarus. June 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 1-13945) |

Commander of the 2nd Belarusian Front, Army General G.F. Zakharov and
the staff members examine the plan for conducting Operation Bagration in the area of
the Minsk region.
June 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-120526) |

Heavy self-propelled guns approach Vitebsk during the Vitebsk Offensive.
25-27 June 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-61674) |
A group of German officers and men taken prisoner during the liberation of
June 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-73170) |
Self-propelled guns pass through a wooden swamp, 1st Belarusian Front.
Belarus. [June-July] 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-73190) |

Commander of 16th Air Army, 1st Belarusian Front, Colonel General S.I.
Rudenko, Army Commander of 1st Belarusian Front K.K. Rokossovsky, Lieutenant General M.A.
Antonyuk, and Lieutenant General K.F. Telegin examine the plan of combat operations for
the Bagration Offensive.
Mogilev region. July 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-87401) |

A group of Soviet soldiers who first entered the town of Bobruisk.
June 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-73178) |

Soviet troops arriving in Bobruisk.
June 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 9-71293) |

German weapons destroyed by the troops of the 1st Belarusian Front in
the area of Bobruisk.
June 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-71365) |

The remains of German weapons destroyed in the Bobruisk pocket.
29 June 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 30366) |

War trophies captured by Soviet troops in the Bobruisk Offensive.
Mogilev region. 1944.
(BGAKFFD, album 15 (sov.) № 13) |

Commander of a partisan formation in the Polotsk-Lepel partisan zone, Hero
of the Soviet Union V.E. Lobanok among the partisans.
Vitebsk. June 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-19326) |

German prisoners of war are marched through the streets of Vitebsk.
July 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-61671) |

Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky, the commander of the 3rd
Belarusian Front, Army General I.D. Chernyakhovsky, and Colonel General F.Ya. Falaleev
interrogate German generals taken prisoner in the area of Vitebsk.
Vitebsk region. July 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-73213) |

Soviet soldiers talking to local residents in liberated Vitebsk.
July 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-55583) |

Radio message about the liberation of Borisov and the Minsk highway from
the Nazi occupiers.
2 July 1944.
Sound recording. Text read by Yu. Levitan. Duration 22 sec.
(BGAKFFD, 906) |
Soviet tanks and paratroopers from the 1st Baltic Front in Borisov.
6 July 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-73177) |

Women launder soldiers’ clothes in the village of Selets, Borisov
Minsk region.
(BGAKFFD, 1-13969) |

In liberated Polotsk.
Vitebsk region. July 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-61658) |

The plane on the home front is ready for flight into the partisan-controlled
area in the Minsk region.
(BGAKFFD, 0-73236) |

Radio message about the liberation of Minsk and the Order of the Supreme
Commander to give a salute in Moscow honouring the liberation of Minsk.
3 July 1944.
Sound recording. Text read by Yu. Levitan. Duration 3:50 min.
(BGAKFFD, 906) |
General Mueller signs the act of surrender of the German forces in the
Minsk pocket.
July 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-87340) |

Soviet soldiers raise a banner on the monument near Government House in
liberated Minsk.
July 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-33935) |

A Soviet tank in front of Government House in liberated Minsk.>
July 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-94874) |

The guncrew of Lieutenant Boris Rukhadze near the destroyed building
of the State Theatre of Opera and Ballet in Minsk.
(BGAKFFD, 0-95330) |

Soviet soldiers escort German POWs.
Minsk. 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-90582) |

A column of German soldiers captured by the troops of the 3rd
Belarusian Front near Minsk.
(BGAKFFD, album15, № 23 (sov.) |

A German platoon surrenders to the Soviet soldiers from the 2nd
Belarusian Front near Minsk.
Summer 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-71364) |

The 61st Army Command and the chiefs of the Pinsk Partisan Formation.
Brest region. July 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-126789) |

Members of the Suvorov Partisan Brigade and the Soviet soldiers meet in
the village of Ukropenko.
Vileika region. July 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-87337) |

A mortar platoon under command of Lieutenant N. Kolomintsev at the
firing position during the liberation of Grodno.
16 July 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-135580) |

Military commandant of Grodno, Major E.F. Eletskikh watches the
signboard being replaced on the commandant’s building.
July 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-135584) |

Soviet troops arriving in Brest.
28 July 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-71521) |

A group of the editorial staff of the newspaper Destroy the Enemy
(32nd Rifle Division, 2nd Belarusian Front) near the field printing press.
Belarus. 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-100706) |

Telegram from Army General I.D. Chernyakhovsky to the Belarusian
people on the occasion of the total liberation of Belarus.
August 1944.
(NARB, f.4, op. 33a, d. 568, l. 11) |
Map showing the Curzon Line. The size of the occupied area liberated
by the Red Army from 23 June to 2 August 1944.
BGAKFFD, newspaper Pravda dated 3 August 1944) |

Soldiers of the 2nd Belarusian Front rest after battle.
Belarus. 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-97208) |
