Workshop The Issues of Preservation and Acquisition of Electronic Records and Information Resources of the National Archival Holdings of the Republic of Belarus, 17 Sept 2010
17 September 2010, the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus held a workshop on the Issues of Preservation and Acquisition of Electronic Records and Information Resources of the National Archival Holdings of the Republic of Belarus organized by the Belarusian Research Center of Electronic Records (BelNITsED).
The participants were archivists from central, regional and local archives, specialists from the archives and records management divisions at the regional executive committees, representatives of the Department for Archives and Records Management at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus.
The workshop presented three reports.
V. Nosevich, director at BelNITsED, reported on the issues of terminology and legislative basis in work with electronic records and information resources.
O. Zhuk, head of records acquisition at BelNITsED, informed the participants on the issues of appraisal of electronic records and information resources, the procedures of records preservation in an institution, the practices of acquisition of electronic records and information resources at BelNITsED’s Electronic Archive, and the selection of acquisition sources.
The issues of work with electronic mail and the use of electronic digital signature in ongoing recordkeeping were outlined in the report by the documentation chief at the Belarusian Research Institute of Records Management and Archival Studies (BelNIIDAD), A. Sukach.
The reports were accompanied by multimedia demonstrations provided to the participants on an electronic disc.