«Archives for School»: a visit to the educational institution «Mogilev State College of Arts»

On March 12, 2025, as part of the «Archives for School» campaign and the pilot project «Young Archivist», employees of the institution «State Archives of the Mogilev Region» held a curatorial hour for students of the specialties «Piano Performance» and «Instrumental Performance» of the educational institution «Mogilev State College of Arts».

During the event, the students were presented with a virtual exhibition «In Memory of the Immortal Battalion», dedicated to the feat of the militia battalion under the command of K.G. Vladimirov during the defense of Mogilev in July 1941 and the creation of a memorial complex perpetuating these events.

Then the audience was shown the documentary film «Partisan Republic», prepared by the institution «Belarusian State Archive of Film, Photo, and Sound Documents» (Dzerzhinsk). The film contains original newsreel footage from partisan life, some of which is being shown for the first time.


1. Leading archivist of the Department of Scientific Use of Documents and Information Alexey Shvyryov during the demonstration of the virtual exhibition.
2. Students during the event.