On the organization of archival practice with students of the educational institution «Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin» in the institution «Zonal State Archive in Mozyr»

From September 16 to October 2, 2024, the Zonal State Archives in Mozyr organized archival practice for 2nd-year students of the Philological Faculty, specializing in Historical Education, of the Educational Institution Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin.

During the internship, the students got acquainted with the main areas of the archive’s activities, the work of all structural divisions, archival storage facilities, the reading room, received a comprehensive understanding of the archive’s activities and valuable experience in working with original documents. Particular attention of the students was drawn to the composition of the funds and the classification of documents of the National Archival Fund of the Republic of Belarus stored in the institution «Zonal State Archive in Mozyr».

As part of individual assignments, the students were involved in performing such archival work as searching for biographical data when fulfilling biographical and genealogical requests.

Students also had the opportunity to receive consultations from archive specialists on writing term papers, articles, and completing other academic assignments.

The staff of the institution «Zonal State Archive in Mozyr» organized thematic lessons: «Archive and its activities», «The role and importance of the archivist profession today», «Accounting and ensuring the safety of archival documents», «Organization of the use of archival documents». The virtual excursion «Mozyr – a city on seven hills» aroused great interest among the students.

As part of the celebration of National Unity Day, the students were presented with the film «Reunification», prepared by the institution «Belarusian State Archive of Film, Photo, and Sound Documents», as well as the exhibition «Traditions of a United Belarus», exhibited in the lobby of the archival institution.


1. Working with archival documents to fulfill requests;
2. Working with archival documents to fulfill requests;
3. Watching the documentary «Reunification»;
4. Watching the documentary «Reunification»;
5. Virtual tour «Mozyr – a city on seven hills».
6. Virtual tour «Mozyr – a city on seven hills».