The staff of the institution «State Archives of the Mogilev Region» took part in the premiere screening of the film «Cultural Code»

On the eve of National Unity Day, the employees of the Main Department of Justice of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee, the Department of Compulsory Enforcement of the Region, state archival institutions, and the Mogilev branch of the state enterprise «BelYurObespecheniya» attended the premiere screening of the film «Cultural Code» by the National Film Studio «Belarusfilm», which took place in the Rodina cinema.

The staff of the institution «State Archives of the Mogilev Region» under the leadership of Director Svetlana Sharaeva took part in the screening of the film, the plot of which is aimed at popularizing knowledge about the state symbols of the Republic of Belarus.


1. The staff of the institution «State Archives of the Mogilev Region» at the premiere screening of the film «Cultural Code».
2. Participants of the screening on the porch of the Rodina cinema.