The final film lecture at the Cosmos cinema

On the eve of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the city of Mogilev from the Nazi invaders during the Great Patriotic War, on June 26, 2024 at the Cosmos cinema in Mogilev as part of the project «Open Film Archive. We brought this day closer as best we could», the final film lecture took place for the pupils of the children’s health camp of the state educational institution «Secondary School No.39 of Mogilev». During it, the documentary film «Liberation and Revival of the Mogilev Region», prepared by the institution «Belarusian State Archive of Film, Photo and Audio Documents» (Dzerzhinsk), was shown.

Before the start of the session, the archivist of the 1st qualification category of the department for the scientific use of documents and information of the State Archive of the Mogilev Region Alexey Shvyrev spoke to the audience. He spoke about the project «Open Film Archive. We brought this day closer as best we could», which is carried out in pursuance of the Plan for the preparation and holding of festive events for the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of October 5, 2023 No.316. He announced information about human losses in years of the Great Patriotic War, about the material damage caused to Belarus by the Nazi invaders during the years of occupation, and documents stored in the institution «State Archive of the Mogilev Region» on the topic «Liberation and restoration of the city of Mogilev in 1944-1950» were presented. «

In the photo: Speech by archivist of the 1st qualification category Alexey Shvyrev