The director of the state archive of public associations of the Gomel region took part in the presentation of the photo album «Heroic Gomel Region»

On June 14, the director of the state archive of public associations of the Gomel region, I.V.Zhineva took part in the presentation of the photo album «Heroic Gomel Region», which took place at the Gomel Regional Museum of Military Glory.

The photo album «Heroic Gomel Region» is a joint project of the regional executive committee and the regional newspaper «Gomelskaya Pravda». Every page contains not only the pain of loss, but also admiration for the unprecedented feat of the liberators. On the territory of the region there are over 1,200 graves of soldiers, partisans and war victims, 667 monuments of military glory. The publication introduces the reader to all these historical places.

200 pages contain information about the burials of Red Army soldiers who died during the liberation of the region, as well as Heroes of the Soviet Union who received this title for their feats performed in the region.


1. During the presentation of the album of the director of GAOGO – I.V.Zhinev and GAGO – A.N.Sushchevich
2. During the album presentation
3. Photo album «Heroic Gomel region»
4. Editor-in-Chief of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise «Editorial office of the newspaper «Gomelskaya Prauda»« Bespalyi Sergei Mikhailovich during a speech