Conducting a sightseeing tour in the institution «State Archive of Public Associations of the Mogilev Region»

On March 29, 2023, in the Year of Peace and Creation, the «Archives-School» action, the archive staff conducted a tour for 6th grade students of the State Educational Institution «Secondary School No. 4».

During the tour, the children got acquainted with the documentary exhibitions prepared by the archive staff, on the basis of archival documents, with the current work of the archive and the main activities of the archive.

A sightseeing tour was also held in the archive storage, during which the students got acquainted with the composition of the stored documents, the mode of their storage and with the museum exposition «History of the Party Archive». As part of this event, quests were held for the children on the topic: «The Great Patriotic War», «Be an archivist».

In the Year of Peace and Creation, it is especially important to be able to preserve the documentary heritage of the country.