1863-1864 Uprising in Belarus

Uprising in scholarly works and publications

(list of works and publications available in Belarusian archives; in chronological order)

Monographs, collections

Sbornik rasporiazhenii grafa Mikhaila Nikolaevicha Muravyova po usmireniiu polskogo miatezha v Severo-zapadnykh guberniiakh 1863-1864 gg. [Collection of instructions by Count Mikhail Nikolaevich Muravyov for the suppression of the Polish rebellion in North-Western Provinces 1863-1864]. Vilna, 1866. 383 p.
(NIAB, library, № 16899)

Beletsky A. Sbornik dokumentov muzeia grafa M.N. Muravyova [Collection of documents from the museum of Count M.N. Muravyov]. T. 1. (26 February 1859 – 14 February 1862). Vilna, 1866. 233 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 1424)

Svedeniia o polskom miatezhe 1863 goda v Severo-Zapadnoi Rossii. Sobral V. Ratch [Data on the Polish rebellion of 1863 in North-Western Russia. Compiled by V. Ratch]. T. 1. Vilna, 1867. 675 p.
(NIAB, library, № 16905)

PuŁkownik Struś. Wydawnictwo materyalow do historyi powstania 1863-1864. T. 2. [Collection of materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising]. Lwow, 1890. 208 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 296)

PuŁkownik Struś. Wydawnictwo materyalow do historyi powstania 1863-1864. T. 3. [Collection of materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising]. Lwow, 1890. 496 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 1712)

Jan Stella-Sawicki. Wydawnictwo materyalow do historyi powstania 1863-1864. T. 5. [Collection of materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising]. Lwow, 1894. 391 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 434)

Atlas chertezhei k knige "Voennye deistviia v Tsarstve Polskom v 1863 godu" [Atlas of drawings for the book "Military operations in the Polish Kingdom in 1863"]. Warsaw, 1894. 52 plans.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 2780)

Naklad i druk W.L. Anczyca i Spolki. Dzieje 1863 roku przez autora "Historyi dwoch lat" . T. 2. [Events of 1863 from the author of "The history of two years"]. Krakow, 1899. 512 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 472)

Naklad i druk W.L. Anczyca i Spolki. Dzieje 1863 roku przez autora "Historyi dwoch lat" . T. 3. [Events of 1863 from the author of "The history of two years"]). Krakow, 1902. 445 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 2767)

Naklad i druk W.L. Anczyca i Spolki. Dzieje 1863 roku przez autora "Historyi dwoch lat" . T. 4. [Events of 1863 from the author of "The history of two years"]. Krakow, 1905. 415 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 294)

Komitet wydawniczy. W czterdziesta rocznice powstania styczniowego 1863-1903. [On the 40th anniversary of the January uprising 1863-1903]. Lwow, 1903. 558 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 329)

Stanislaw Komian. Rok 1863. T. 1. [Year 1863]. Warszawa, 1903. 261 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 542)

Sidorov A.А. Polskoe vosstanie 1863 goda: Istoriograficheskii ocherk [Polish Insurrection of 1863. Historical essay]. Saint Petersburg, 1903. 254 p.
(NIAB, library, № 16907)

Tsylov N. Sbornik rasporiazhenii grafa Mikhaila Nikolaevicha Muravyova po usmireniiu polskogo miatezha v severo-zapadnykh guberniiakh 1863-1864 [Collection of instructions by Count Mikhail Nikolaevich Muravyov for the suppression of the Polish rebellion in North-Western Provinces 1863-1864]. Vilna, 1906. 383 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 6009)

Milovidov A.I. Archival materials from the Muravyov museum relating to the Polish uprising of 1863-1864 in the North-Western Region. Book VI, part 1. Correspondence of the civil administration on political matters from 1 January 1862 to May 1863. Vilna, 1913. 462 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 4)

Milovidov A.I. Archival materials from the Muravyov museum relating to the Polish uprising of 1863-1864 in the North-Western Region. Book VI, part 2. Correspondence on military actions from 10 January 1836 to 7 January 1864. Vilna, 1915. 460 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 150)

Towarzystwo imienia Piotra Skargi. Ostatnie slowa. Opowiadania i wspomnienia uczestnikow walki o wolnosc w roku 1863/4 [Last words. Recollections and stories of the participants in the struggle for freedom in 1863/4]. Lwow, 1913. 135 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 2018)

Recollections by P.A. Cherevin. 1863-1865. Kostroma, 1920. 76 p.
(BGAMLI, library, № 17523)

Wydane pod redakcja Waclawa Studnickiego. Rok 1863. Wyroki smierci. (1863. Death sentences). Wilno,1923. 122 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 591)

Rok 1863 w Minszczyznie. Minsk, 1927. 216 p. (Institute of Belarusian Culture, Polish division).
(NIAB, library, № 17259)

W. Kordovicz. Konstanty Kalinowski: Rewolucyjna democracja polska w powstaniu styczniowym na Litwi i Białorusi. Warszawa: Ludowa Spodzielnia wydawnicza. 1955. 305 p.
(BGAMLI, library, № 25711)

Revunenkov V.G. [Polish uprising of 1863 and European diplomacy]. Leningrad, 1957. 357 p.
(NIAB, library, № 16911)

Lushchytski I. [Essays on the history of social-political and philosophical thought in Belarus in the second half of 19th century]. Minsk, 1958. 380 p.
(BGAMLI, library, № 2666)

Dyakov V. Sigizmund Serakovsky. Moscow, 1959. 72 p.
(BGAMLI, library, № 21102)

Smirnou A. [Kastus Kalinouski in the 1863 uprising]. Minsk, 1959. 190 p.
(BGAMLI, library, № 21347)

Vosstanie 1863 goda i russko-polskie revolutsionnye sviazi 60-kh godov XIX veka [The 1863 uprising and the Russian-Polish revolutionary relations in the 1860s]. Moscow, 1960. 727 p.
(NIAB, library, № 17052)

Vosstanie 1863 goda. Revolutsionny podiom v Litve i Belorussii v 1861-1862 gg. [The 1863 uprising. Revolutionary upheaval in Lithuania and Belarus]. Materials and documents. Moscow, 1960. 727 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 6485)

Pokazaniia i zapiski o polskom vosstanii 1863 g. Oskara Oveide [Testimony and notes on the Polish insurrection of 1863 by Oskar Oveide]. Collection of documents. Moscow, 1961. 663 p.
(NIAB, library, № 24117)

Misko M.V. Polskoe vosstanie 1863 goda [Polish uprising of 1863]. Moscow, 1962. 335 p.
(NIAB, library, № 16902)

[Participants of the Polish uprising of 1863-1864 in the Tobolsk exile]. Tumen, 1963. 75 p.
(NIAB, library, № 16923)

Kisialeu G. Seibity vechnaga… [Articles on the Belarusian writers and figures in the revolutionary movement of 1863]. Minsk, 1963. 304 p.
(BGAMLI, library, № 14827)

Smirnov A.F. [1863 uprising in Lithuania and Belarus]. Moscow, 1963. 390 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 6962)

[Revolutionary upheaval in Lithuania and Belarus in 1861-1862]. Materials and documents. Moscow, 1964. 704 p.
(NIAB, library, № 24115; NIAB in Grodno, library, № 6791)

[Uprising in Lithuania and Belarus 1863-1864]. Materials and documents. Moscow, 1965. 587 p.
(NIAB, library, № 24116; NIAB in Grodno, library, № 6836; BGAMLI, library, № 1506)

Kisialeu G. Z dumai pra Belarus. Minsk, 1966. 320 p.
(BGAMLI, library, № 14828)

Kisialeu G. Paplechnik Kalinouskaga. [About V. Vrublevsky]. Minsk, 1976. 80 p.
(BGAMLI, library, № 14826)

Pachynalniki: [From the historical-literary materials of the 19th c.] / Compiled by G.V. Kisialeu. Minsk, 1977. (Documents on the participation of F. Bogushevich’s family and Ya. Luchina’s father in the 1863-1864 uprising. P. 395-401, 468-469)
(BGAMLI, library, № 6306)

The 1863 Uprising in Belarus: "Peasant’s Truth" and "Letters from beneath the Gallows". Texts and commentaries. Compiled by Ja. Zaprudnik and T.E. Bird. New York, 1980. In Belarusian and English. 69 p.
(BGAMLI, library)

Kisialeu G. [Heroes and muses. Historical literary essays]. Minsk, 1982. 255 p.
(BGAMLI, library, № 14829)

V. Shalkevich. Kastus Kalinouski. Pages from Life-Story. Мinsk, 1986. 128 p.
(BGAMLI, library, № 21401)

Kastus Kalinovsky (1838-1864). [Papers of the national scholarly conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of K. Kalinovsky]. Grodno, 1988. 67 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 8172)

Kisialeu G. Na peralome dzviukh epokh: [The 1863 Uprising in Minsk Region]. Minsk, 1990. 36 p.
(BGAMLI, library, № 24951)

Kisialeu G. Radavodnae dreva: Kalinouski  – epokha – nastupniki. Minsk, 1994. 303 p.
(BGAMLI, library, № 16446)

Khursik V.U. [Tragedy of the White Guard: The Belarusian nobles in the 1863-1864 uprising. Historical essay and lists]. Minsk: Peito, 132 p.
(NIAB, library, № 25368 )

Kastus Kalinouski. Za nashuiu volnasts: tvory, dakumenty // Compiled, forward, afterword and comments by G. Kiselev. Minsk, 1999. 464 p.
(BGAMLI, library, № 19024)

[Insurrectionary movement in Grodno Province 1863-1864]. Brest, 2006. 397 p.
(NIAB in Grodno, library, № 8523)


Essays, articles

[Ratch V.F.] Polskaia emigratsiia do i vo vremia poslednego miatezha 1831-1863 gg. [Polish émigrés before and during the last rebellion 1831-1863] // Bulletin of Western Russia. Historical literary journal issued by K. Govorsky. Third year. Vol. III. March. Vilna: Romm publishing house, 1865.
(NIAB, library, № 7469)

Kratkii ocherk voennykh deistvii… [A short outline of military actions against the insurgents in the Kiev Military District in 1863] // Bulletin of Western Russia. Historical literary journal issued by K. Govorsky. Third year. Vol. III. March. Vilna: Romm publishing house, 1865. Chapter IV. P. 15-21.
(NIAB, library, № 7469)

[Persecution of the Orthodox by Polish insurgents in Kovno Province in 1863] // Bulletin of Western Russia. Historical literary journal issued by K. Govorsky. Third year. Vol. III. March. Vilna: Romm publishing house, 1865. Chapter IV. P. 24-38.
(NIAB, library, № 7469)

[An episode from the Polish rebellion in Grodno Province in 1863] // Bulletin of Western Russia. Historical literary journal issued by K. Govorsky. Third year. Vol. III. March. Vilna: Romm publishing house, 1865. Chapter IV. P. 1-15.
(NIAB, library, № 7469)

Grib T. Nashy mety i zadanni. Article containing a reference to the uprising and K. Kalinovsky. Early 1920s. Typescript. Belarusian.
(BGAMLI, f. 3, op. 1, d. 145, l. 55-60)

Kasperovich N. [The 1863 uprising in Mogilev Region]. Article. Excerpt. Clipping from newspaper "Savetskaia Belarus", 1924, № 141. Belarusian.
(BGAMLI, f. 53, op. 1, d. 337 d, l. 60)

Yurkovsky M., Lyapsky E. "Оd hramot i latopisow do Janki Kupałу i JakubaKołasa (o literaturze białoruskej)". Article on the history of the Belarusian literature with a reference to K. Kalinovsky. Clipping from newspaper "Trуbuna Lulu", 2 October 1955. Polish.
(BGAMLI, f. 313, op.1, d. 260, l. 7)

Lushchitsky I. ["Views of Kastus Kalinovsky on the national issue"]. Article. 14 January 1958. Authorized typescript with author’s and editor’s corrections. Belarusian.
(BGAMLI, f. 12, op. 1, d. 360, ll. 52-71)

Maikhrovich S. [Kastus Kalinovsky and the peasant revolt of 1863]. Article. [1963]. Typescript. Belarusian.
(BGAMLI, f. 273, op. 1, d. 149, ll. 1-6)

Klimansky S.[The great son of the Belarusian people]. Article on the 100th anniversary of the death of K. Kalinovsky. 28 February 1964. Authorized typescript. Belarusian.
(BGAMLI, f. 12, op. 1, d. 1023, ll. 42-50)

Berezkin G. Review of the poem by A. Kuleshov "Khamitsius" dedicated to K. Kalinovsky. 1975. Typescript. Belarusian.
(BGAMLI, f. 24, op. 1, d. 1 ll. 55-60)

Mukha A. Chas prakliaty i pakutny. Article on the national self-identification of Belarusians after the defeat in the 1863-1864 uprising. Clipping from newspaper "Golas Radzimy", 18 February 1993. Belarusian.
(BGAMLI, f. 426, op. 1, d. 200, l. 6 ob.)

Charopka V. [Yaska, a farmer from near Vilna] // Maladosts. 2007. № 5. P. 137-141. № 6. P. 134-139.
(BGAMLI, library)