Main census records for Slonim uezd Grodno province

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Grodno

Estates Years Fond/Inventory Item number
Gentry 1795 24/7 456, 458, 460 – 462
Peasants 1795 24/7 456, 458, 460 – 462, 467
Freemen 1795 24/7 456, 458, 460 – 462, 467
Foreigners 1795 24/7 458
Jews 1795 24/7 458, 459
Priests 1795 24/7 460, 462
Peasants 1834 24/7 472, 473
Priests 1834 24/7 472
Peasants 1834 24/7 472
Peasants 1850 24/7 475, 476а
Freemen 1850 24/7 475
Jews 1850 24/7 476а

The additional census data on non-confirmed gentry and Jews
Slonim uezd Grodno province

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Grodno

Estates Years Fond/Inventory Item number
Peasants 1864 24/7 487
Christian town-dwellers 1864 24/7 487
Christian town-dwellers 1874 24/7 497
Small-holders 1874 24/7 497