1863-1864 Uprising in Belarus

Uprising in Vitebsk Province

Report from the police officer of Sebezh district Krivoshin to the chief of Vitebsk province about the appearance of an insurgent detachment in Sebezh district and the measures for its destruction.
20 April 1863.
(NIAB, f. 1430, op. 1, d. 31252, l. 10-10 ob.)
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Telegram from the civil governor of Vitebsk province A.S. Ogolin to the vice-governor of Vitebsk province about the announcement of a state of martial law in the districts of Dinaburg, Rezhitsa, Lutsin, Drissa, Polotsk, Sebezh and Lepel in Vitebsk province.
22 April 1863.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 1430, op. 1, d. 31307, l. 2)
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Notification of the Vitebsk Provincial Administration instructing the police of Vitebsk province to conduct the trial of insurgents by court-martial.
26 April 1863.
(NIAB, f. 1416, op. 3, d. 31031, l. 1)
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Telegram from the army commander of Vitebsk province, General Lieutenant E.K. Dlotovsky to the governor of Vitebsk province about the appointment of military chiefs in the districts of Polotsk, Lepel and Drissa in Vitebsk province.
3 May 1863.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 1430, op. 1, d. 31307, l. 30)
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Order by the governor-general of Vilna province M.N. Muravyov to the governor of Vitebsk province about the announcement of martial law in Vitebsk, Nevel, Velizh, Gorodok and Surazh districts, Vitebsk province and the responsibility to obey the army commander of Vitebsk province E.K. Dlotovsky in the suppression of the uprising.
9 May1863.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 1430, op. 1, d. 31307, l. 7)
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Letter from the army commander of Vitebsk province, General Lieutenant E.K. Dlotovsky to the governor of Vitebsk province on the appointment of military chiefs in Vitebsk, Gorodok and Velizh districts, Vitebsk province.
27 May1863.
(NIAB, f. 1430, op. 1, d. 31307, l. 48)
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Circular by the governor-general of Vilna M.N. Muravyov to the chief of Vitebsk province on the seizure of land allotments from the nobles and peasants who participated in the uprising or assisted the insurgents and their transfer to the village communes.
11 June 1863.
(NIAB, f. 1430, op. 1, d. 31358, l. 9-9 ob.)
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Instruction by the military chief of Vitebsk province, General Lieutenant E.K. Dlotovsky to the civil governor of Vitebsk province on the sequestration of the estates of Staraya and Dobraya Mysl, Rezhytsa district belonging to Genrik and Bronislav Kiborts for their involvement in the uprising.
12 June 1863.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 1416, op. 3, d. 13219, l. 53-54 ob.)
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Report by the Vitebsk Investigation Commission to the vice-governor of Vitebsk province A.I. Pyatnitsky on the necessity of the sequestration of the estate of Staiki, Vitebsk district belonging to Artyom Veriga together with the library assessed at 2500 roubles for the involvement in the uprising.
18 June 1863.
(NIAB, f. 1416, op. 3, d. 13219, l. 52)
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Order by the governor-general of Vilna province M.N. Muravyov on the division of the military and civil administration in Vitebsk province into two parts between the military and civil governor of Vitebsk V.N. Veryovkin and the military chief of Vitebsk province E.K. Dlotovsky for a more effective suppression of the uprising.
27 June 1863.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 1430, op. 1, d. 31307, l. 64-65)
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Circular by the governor-general of Vilna province M.N. Muravyov to the chief of Vitebsk province on the deprivation of leasing rights from the leaseholders of state farms and the confiscation of property in case of their participation in the uprising or assisting the insurgents.
1 July 1863.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 1430, op. 1, d. 31358, l. 18-18а)
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Notification by the military chief of Vitebsk province, General Lieutenant E.K. Dlotovsky to the military and civil governor of Vitebsk about his resignation and the appointment of General Major Kovalevsky as the military chief of Dinaburg, Rezhitsa, Lutsin, Sebezh, Drissa, Novoalexandrovsk and Disna districts.
31 July 1863.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f.1430, op. 1, d. 31307, l. 72-72 ob.)
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Order by the governor-general of Vilna province M.N. Muravyov to the governor of Vitebsk province concerning the exile of Ludvik Pogossky, a priest of the Polotsk Dominican Monastery to the province of Orenburg and Pavel Latch, a priest of St. Barbara’s Catholic Church at Vitebsk to the province of Perm as “completely unreliable in political matters” and concerning the investigation for the dean of the Polotsk Dominican Monastery, Petrovsky arrested on suspicion of agitating for the uprising.
4 November 1863.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 1430, op. 1, d. 31276, l. 10-11)
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Instruction by the assistant governor-general of Vilna province A.L. Potapov to the governor of Vitebsk province on awarding a non-commissioned officer Grigory Milyukov, four privates, coachmen at the Dymanovskaya station and peasants from Vitebsk district with medals and money for arresting 20 young men from Vitebsk who intended to join an insurgent group.
24 August 1864.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 1430, op. 1, d. 31663, l. 3-3 ob.)
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Order by the assistant governor-general of Vilna province A.L. Potapov to the governor of Vitebsk for arresting in case of appearance in Vitebsk province an insurrection member, Staff Captain Yaroslav Dombrovsky who on 2 December 1864 escaped custody in Moscow.
18 December 1864.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 1430, op. 1, d. 31477, l. 1-1 ob.)
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Name list of 38 peasants from Vitebsk, Lepel, Nevel and Sebezh districts awarded with medals and money for active participation in the suppression of the insurrection.
Manuscript. Draft.
(NIAB, f. 1430, op. 1, d. 31663, l. 16-17 ob.)
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Petition from a peasant of Bocheikovo volost, Lepel district Grigory Dyatel to the governor of Vitebsk General Major V.N. Veryovkin to issue to him and other peasants the certificates of award with the silver medals of St. Anne for active participation on 23-24 April 1863 in the defeat of the insurgent detachment commanded by Vladislav Dyka in Lepel district and taking them prisoners.
March 1865.
(NIAB, f. 1430, op. 1, d. 31663, l. 42-43)
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Instructions of the assistant governor-general of Vilna province A.L. Potapov to the governor of Vitebsk province for releasing from responsibility, administering an oath and returning to the place of residence under police surveillance Frantishek Urbanovich, Jozef Kontovt and other nobles and peasants from Lepel district who left the insurgent detachment before 1 May 1863. 
23 March 1865.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 1430, op. 1, d. 31560, l. 4-4 ob.)
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