Main census records for Belsk uezd Grodno province

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Grodno

Estates Years Fond/Inventory Item number
Freemen 1816 24/7 228, 233
Peasants 1816 24/7 228 – 230, 233
Jews 1816 24/7 231
Priests 1816 24/7 232
Peasants 1834 24/7 236 – 238
Freemen 1834 24/7 238
Freemen 1850 24/7 240

The additional census data on non-confirmed gentry and Jews
Belsk uezd Grodno province

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Grodno

Estates Years Fond/Inventory Item number
Peasants-owners 1842 24/7 239
Town-dwellers 1842 24/7 239
Nobles 1842 24/7 239
Citizens 1842 24/7 239
Peasants-owners 1864 24/7 246
Town-dwellers 1864 24/7 246
Town-dwellers 1874 24/7 255