Belarusian Resistance

Heroes of the Belarusian Resistance: a general and a soldier

A.I. Antonchik, a machine gunner and sapper from the Brest partisan formation.
Brest region. 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-21670)


I.P. Dediulya, an organiser and chief of the partisan brigade “Death to Fascism”.
(NARB, f. 3500, op. 4, d. 165а, l. 2)


K.S. Zaslonov, chief of an underground resistance group at the Orsha railway station, commander of the partisan brigade, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
[Before 1941].
(BGAKFFD, 0-77038)


I.P. Kazinets, the organiser and secretary of the underground Minsk Party Town Committee, founded in November-December 1941, Hero of the Soviet Union.
Minsk. [Before 1941].
(BGAKFFD, 0-65959)


F.F. Kapusta, one of the chiefs of the partisan movement in the Minsk and Bialystok regions, commander of the Bialystok partisan formation, awarded the orders of Lenin and the Red Banner.
(BGAKFFD, 0-98628)


E.V. Klumov, professor in medicine, member of the Minsk underground organisation, Hero of the Soviet Union.
Minsk. [Before 1941].
(BGAKFFD, 0-65957)


V.I. Kozlov, 1st secretary of the underground Minsk Party Regional Committee, commander of the Minsk partisan formation, Hero of the Soviet Union. 
Moscow. 1943.
(BGAKFFD, 1560-132681)


V.Z. Korzh, one of the first organisers of partisan groups in Belarus (28 June 1941), commander of the Pinsk partisan formation, Hero of the Soviet Union. 
(BGAKFFD, 1-12818)


E.I. Kulesh, a machine gunner from a partisan group in the Voroniansky Partisan Brigade “The People’s Avengers”.
Vitebsk region. [1941-1944].
(BGAKFFD, 0-135591)


S.K. Leshchenya, secretary of the underground Minsk Party Regional Committee.
(BGAKFFD, 0-71387)


V.E. Lobanok, commander of partisan brigades in the Polotsk-Lepel partisan zone, Hero of the Soviet Union. 
[After 1945].
(BGAKFFD, 0-72912)


E.G. Mazanik, the executor of the assassination of the General Commissar of Belarus, Wilhelm Kube, Hero of the Soviet Union.
[Before 1941].
(BGAKFFD, 0-71976)


K.T. Mazurov, secretary of the underground Central Committee of the Lenin Young Communist League of Belarus (Komsomol), member of the underground Minsk Party Regional Committee, awarded the order of the Great Patriotic War 1st class.
Minsk, 9 February 1950.
(BGAKFFD, 0-2069)


P.M. Masherov, chief of an underground organisation in Rossony, secretary of the underground Vileika Komsomol Regional Committee, political commissar at the Rokossovsky partisan brigade, Hero of the Soviet Union.
Belarus. [1944-1945].
(BGAKFFD, 0-70349)


V.S. Omelyanyuk, member of the underground Minsk Party District Committee, editor for the underground newspaper Zvezda, the first issue of which came out on 26 May 1942, Hero of the Soviet Union.
Minsk. [Before 1941].
(BGAKFFD, 0-71212)


M.B. Osipova, member of the Minsk underground organisation, member of the “Dima” partisan group, took part in the liquidation of W. Kube, Hero of the Soviet Union.
(BGAKFFD, 0-77033)


P.K. Ponomarenko, chief of the Central Partisan Movement Staff, secretary of the Belarusian Communist Party Central Committee, among the commanders of the Belarusian partisan brigades. 
Belarus. [1941-1944].
(BGAKFFD, 0-71990)


V.Z. Khoruzhaya, one of the chiefs of the underground organisation in the Vitebsk region, was executed by the Nazis, Hero of the Soviet Union.
(BGAKFFD, 0-111219)


M.F. Shmyrev (partisan name Batka Minai), one of the organisers and chiefs of the partisan movement in the Vitebsk region, awarded the orders of Lenin, the Red Banner, the Great Patriotic War 1st class, Hero of the Soviet Union.
Belarus. [1941-1944].
(BGAKFFD, 1-12817)


Female partisans from the Dunaev “Boevoy” group in the Bialystok formation.
Bialystok region. [1941-1944].
(BGAKFFD, 0-19062)


Members of the partisan detachment named after newspaper Pravda present a transient Red Banner to the 1st Minsk Partisan Brigade.
Minsk region. May 1943.
(BGAKFFD, 0-71475)


Members of the 1st Belarusian Partisan Brigade with their brigade commander, M.F. Shmyrev (Batka Minai).
Vitebsk region. Summer 1943.
(BGAKFFD, 0-103313)


Partisans from the Kuibyshev brigade, Pinsk formation.
Pinsk region. 1943.
(BGAKFFD, 0-87377)


Komsomol workers from one of the partisan formations together with the secretary of the underground Belarusian Komsomol Central Committee, member of the underground Minsk Party Regional Committee, K.T. Mazurov (far left) and the 1st secretary of the underground Belarusian Komsomol Central Committee, M.V. Zimyanin.
(BGAKFFD, 0-126893)


Partisans from the Pobeda detachment, the Plamya brigade.
February-March 1944.
Portraits performed by architect E.K. Dyatlov.
(BGANTD, f. 158, op.2, d. 33)


Young female partisan, Manya Golofaeva, near the banner of the Bobruisk komsomol organisation, which she kept safe through the occupation.
(BGAKFFD, 0-73209)


Marat Kazei, a young scout from a partisan detachment in the Minsk region; encircled by the Nazis he blew himself up with a grenade, posthumous Hero of the Soviet Union.
(BGAKFFD, 0-73208)


Volodya Lvov, a 16-year-old partisan awarded the medal “Partisan of the Great Patriotic War 2nd class”. 
(BGAKFFD, 0-73117)


V. Pankrat, a 12-year-old scout from the 3rd detachment of the Oktyabr partisan brigade.
Vileika region. [1943-1944].
(BGAKFFD, 0-72907)


Vitya Pashkevich, chief of the underground pioneer organisation in Borisov, awarded the orders of the Red Banner and the Red Star, and the medals “Partisan of the Great Patriotic War 1st class” and “For the Victory over Germany”.
20 November 1943.
(BGAKFFD, 0-71526)


Volodya Shcherbatsevich, a 15-year-old resistance member who fought against the enemy in Minsk and was hanged by the Nazis on 26 October 1941.
[Before 1941].
(BGAKFFD, 0-102860)


Young partisans, Misha Yaruk and Yuzik Tarchinsky, in a group of partisans awarded medals.
Belarus. [1943-1944].
(BGAKFFD, 0-73223)


Young partisans from the partisan formation under command of V. Lobanok – Petya Zyazyulkin, Sasha Kondratenko, Fedya Klimovich, Vanya Solovyanov.
Vitebsk region. [1941-1944].
(BGAKFFD, 0-70357)


The assistant chief of the Belarusian Partisan Movement Staff, I.P. Ganenko, presents the medal “Partisan of the Great Patriotic War” to a young partisan.
(BGAKFFD, 0-126903)


Award certificate for the priest E.G. Bosko recommended for the medal “Partisan of the Great Patriotic War 1st class”.
15 September 1944.
(NARB, f. 1450, op. 15, d. 390, l. 21)
view document
Document certifying that A.K. Zelyutkov and E.A. Pavlovsky, who kept the Red Army banners safe during the war, were awarded the orders of the Red Banner according to the decree of the USSR Supreme Council Presidium of 15 August 1944, signed by the personnel chief at the Belarusian Partisan Movement Staff, Colonel Romanov.
(NARB, 3500-15-908, l. 59)
view document
Document certifying that P.M. Misnik and E.M. Mikhno, who kept the combat banner of the 84th Artillery Regiment safe during the war, were recommended for decoration by the bureau decision of the Belarusian Communist Party Central Committee of 15 September 1944, signed by the personnel chief at the Belarusian Partisan Movement Staff, Colonel Romanov.
(NARB, 3500-15-908, l. 59)
view document
A group of elderly men from the village of Demidovschina, Antopol district, participating in fight against the occupiers, receive combat instructions from the staff chief of the Kirov partisan detachment, G.D. Goleitser.
Brest region. 1944.
(BGAKFFD, 0-21669)


Local residents from the village of Pechishchi, Gantsevichi district, hand over bread to the partisans.
Pinsk region. 1943.
(BGAKFFD, 0-71501)
