1863-1864 Uprising in Belarus

Actions of the tsarist authorities and the condition of insurgents after the suppression of the uprising


Instruction from Muravyov to the governor of Mogilev province to take strict measures for banning the Polish language in office work.
3 September 1863.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 535.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Letter from the Interior Minister Valuev to Western Committee on the deportation of smallholders and lesser nobility to the interior provinces of Russia. 
4 September 1863.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 535-536.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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From the address by the Catholic priest Volonchevsky calling upon his congregation to lay down arms and to show repentance.
6 September 1863.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 539.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Letter from the army commander of the Vilna Military District to the War Minister concerning the use of former participants in the uprising in the military service.
7 September 1863.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 537.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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From a landowner’s letter about the collection of contribution from the nobles who signed a protocol on the necessity of the Polish administration in the region and other measures taken by Muravyov in the Minsk province.
2 October 1863.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 541-542.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Order by the governor-general of Vilna province Muravyov on the imposition of contribution on the village of Miluny and the deportation of peasants for refusal to assist Russian troops.
5 November 1863.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 542-543.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Proposal by the Minister of State Property to Western Committee on the deportation from the Polish Kingdom and the Western Region.
10 November 1863.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 537-538.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Instruction from the military governor of Vitebsk to the military chiefs of Vitebsk province on the imposition of contribution on the smallholders for participation in the uprising.
17 November 1863.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 543.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Report from the War Minister to Western Committee on the failure of recruitment in Lithuania and Belarus because of the uprising in 1863.
16 December 1863.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 544-545.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Data on prices for peasant allotments in the redemption operation (fragment).
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 407.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Data on the size of the land area of village residents in five provinces of Western Region from 1862 to 1902.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 662.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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From the supplement to the 1863 report to Alexander II from A.L. Kozhevnikov on the number of the uprising’s participants in the province of Minsk.
Early 1864.
Photocopy. Print. Vosstanie v Litve i Belorussii 1863-1864 gg. Moscow, 1965. P. 443-444.
(BGAMLI, library, № 1643)
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Letter from Muravyov to the police chief  V.A. Dolgoruky with proposals on changing the procedure of the deportation of the uprising’s participants.
18 February 1864.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 546-548.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Register of the Vilna Investigation Commission on the number of insurgents in the province of Vitebsk who voluntarily left their detachments by 1 January 1864.
25 February 1864.
Photocopy. Print. Vosstanie v Litve i Belorussii 1863-1864 gg. Moscow, 1965. P. 171.
(BGAMLI, library, № 1643)
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Letter from Muravyov to Dolgoruky about the fears of the tsarist authorities in view of the possibility of the repeated rebellion and about the agricultural policy.
7 March 1864.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 567-569.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Confidential letter from a clerk for special instructions with the Interior Minister, A.P. Storozhenko to P.A. Valuev about the political state in the provinces of Vitebsk and Mogilev and the possibility of a new oubreak of the uprising.
24 March 1864.
Photocopy. Print. Vosstanie v Litve i Belorussii 1863-1864 gg. Moscow, 1965. P. 519-522.
(BGAMLI, library, № 1643)
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Letter from I.P. Kornilov to Archbishop Nil of Yaroslavl on sending seminarists from Russia to replace teachers in the public schools of the Vilna School District.
March 1864.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 566-567.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Information from Governor-General Muravyov to the Interior Ministry on disproportionate payments collected from peasants on the title-deeds. 
March 1864.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 463.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Letter from a trustee at the Vilna School District to M.N. Katkov and P.M. Leontyev about the strengthening of the Russification in Belarus.
March 1864.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 565-566.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Muravyov’s note about the Russification of Belarus and the agricultural policy.
14 May 1864.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 573-576.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Synod’s letter to Western Committee concerning the increase of remuneration to the Russian clergy in Western Region. 
19-21 May 1864.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 577.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Report from Major General Pakhomov to M.N. Muravyov on the week’s events and bringing to frank pledge the peasants whose fellow villagers hide from the authorities.
30 June 1864.
Photocopy. Print. Vosstanie v Litve i Belorussii 1863-1864 gg. Moscow, 1965. P. 265-266.
(BGAMLI, library, № 1643)
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Proposal by the governor of Vitebsk province V.N. Verevkin to M.N. Muravyov on the deportation of a noble lady M.P. Svirshchevskaya for conducting propaganda among the peasants in Goroplyany volost, Polotsk district.
30 June 1864.
Photocopy. Print. Vosstanie v Litve i Belorussii 1863-1864 gg. Moscow, 1965. P. 522.
(BGAMLI, library, № 1643)
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From the report of the civil governor of Vilna on the policy of the tsarist government after the suppression of the uprising.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 560-562.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Instruction approved by Alexander II “On the procedure of selling the state-owned lands in Western Provinces to the persons of Russian origin who serve in that area or who wish to settle there for permanent residence”.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 578.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Letter from Muravyov to Western Committee on the conversion of the szlachta who did not confirm their noble status to the tax-paying estates.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 562-563.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Register on the villages burned by Russian troops and the number of peasants, smallholders, noblemen and other persons exiled from Belarus for participation in the uprising.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 548-550.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Prayer of Priest Yu. Shepetovsky for the convicted prisoners.
Manuscript. Polish.
(BGAMLI, f. 311, op. 1, d. 14, l. 31-31 ob.)
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Vasily Ratch (1816-1870) – major general of the Russian army. Official historian for the 1863-1864 uprising, in October 1864 on a commission from Governor-General M. Muravyov began his work “Data on the Polish Insurrection in the North-Western Region of Russia”, which was published in Vilnius in 1867-1868 in two volumes.
Photoreproduction. Kalinouski. Za nashuiu volnasts. Tvory, dakumenty. Мinsk, 1999.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)

Medal “For the suppression of the Polish rebellion” – a state award in the Russian Empire, which distinguished the participants in the 1863-1864 uprising, was established by the decree of Alexander II of 1 January 1865.
Photocopy. http://medalirus.ru/sobitiya1865-1914/medal-polskogo-myatezha-bronza.php
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
Register on the number of persons subject to punishment for participation in the insurrection in Lithuania and Belarus, compiled by the Tepmporary Field Auditing Board at the army headquarters of the Vilna Military District.
About 13 February 1865.
Photocopy. Print. Vosstanie v Litve i Belorussii 1863-1864 gg. Moscow, 1965. P. 95-98.
(BGAMLI, library, № 1643)
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Report by the Tepmporary Field Auditing Board on the number of the executed in the Vilna Military District in 1863-1864.
28 February 1865.
Photocopy. Print. Vosstanie v Litve i Belorussii 1863-1864 gg. Moscow, 1965. P. 99-101.
(BGAMLI, library, № 1643)
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Letter from Kornilov to A.I. Ishimova on the necessity of spreading the Russian books of Orthodox Christian content in Western Region.
1 March 1865.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 582-583.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Edict by Alexander II banning the purchase of landed property in Western Region by persons of Polish origin.
10 December 1865.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 584.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Data on the industry in Belarus in 1865.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 706.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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From the report of the police chief to Alexander II on peasant disturbances in the province of Mogilev.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 779.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Report by the trustee of the Vilna School District Kornilov on the Russification of schools and the state of school business.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 578-582.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Circular by the governor-general of Vilna province Kaufman to the governor of Mogilev province on the ruin of landowners’ estates liable to obligatory sale by the law of 10 December 1865.
April 1866.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 585-586.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Proposal by Kornilov to the governor-general of Vilna province on closing the gymnasiums and the number of students in high schools of the Vilna School District.
31 August 1866.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 586-587.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Report from the army commander, Adjutant General Kaufman to the War Minister on the termination of martial law in 13 districts in the provinces of Minsk, Vitebsk and Mogilev and the other districts remaining in a state of emergency.
31 August 1866.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 588-590.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Instruction from the governor of Mogilev province to the Orsha Court on performing the government’s orders for a speedy settlement of the Russian proprietors in Western Provinces.
26 October 1866.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 590.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Complaint to Alexander II from the peasants of Pokolubichi village, Gomel district about a landlord Paskevich and the sentence of the Mogilev criminal and civil court for their punishment. 
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 785-787.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Note by Adjutant General, Count Baranov attached to the draft law on the maintenance of a state of martial law in North-Western Region.
9 January 1867.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 590-593.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Circular by the Interior Minister P.A. Valuev to the governors on the Edict of 16 April 1866 on mitigating the punishment to certain categories of the exiled participants in the uprising and the procedure for returning rights and the permission to return homeland for foreign subjects.
2 May 1867.
Print on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 295, op. 1, d. 1812, l. 21-21 ob.)
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Circular by the Interior Minister P.A. Valuev to the governors on the publication on 17 May 1867 of the Tsar’s edict terminating the investigative cases for the uprising’s members not charged of heavy crimes (murders, plunders) and the permission for certain persons exiled “in administrative order” to move to the Polish Kingdom.
19 May 1867.
Print on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 295, op. 1, d. 1812, l. 10)
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Instruction by the army commander of the Vilna Military District, Count E.T. Baranov on the procedures for performing the edict of 17 May 1867 for different categories of persons under investigation.
22 May 1867.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 295, op. 1, d. 1812, l. 11-17 ob.)
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From the essay by I. Kornilov on the transformations in the Vilna public library and museum.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 593-597.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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Case of the Tobolsk Provincial Administration. Registers on the persons under investigation for 1868 (fragment).
Copy. Handwritten on letterhead.
(BGAMLI, f. 311, op. 1, d. 19, l. 1-2)
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Instruction from the governor-general of Vilna, Kovno, Grodno and Minsk to the governor of Minsk with the confirmation on the case for the insurgent leader in Igumen district, Pavel Dybovsky who emigrated after the uprising, his exemption from liability for participating in the uprising, deportation to the province of Arkhangelsk and exemption from the sequestration of property.
17 April 1869.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 295, op. 1, d. 1910, l. 13-14)
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From the police chief’s report on the refusal by peasants to pay quitrent and the deportation of 60 peasants.
Photocopy. Print. Dakumenty i materyialy pa gistoryi Belarusi. Т. II. Minsk, 1940. P. 785.
(BelNITsED, collection of electronic copies of documents and materials on the history of the 1863-1864 uprising in Belarus)
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the 1870s
Report from the police chief of Mozyr district to the governor of Minsk on the unauthorized arrival to his father on the estate of Merlin, Mozyr district of Boleslav Feliksovich Mlynski, who was exiled to the town of Omsk for participation in the uprising.
6 May 1874.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 295, op. 1, d. 2539, l. 1)
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Letter from the governor of Olonets to the governor of Minsk on the rules of the amnesty of 9 January 1874 applied to persons of tax-paying estates and with the data on a Minsk burgher Karol Ternolitsky who was exiled for disloyalty to the province of Olonets in 1863.
15 March 1875.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 295, op. 1, d. 2743, l. 1-3)
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Information from the Deputy Interior Minister to the governor of Minsk on the amnesty obtained by the uprising’s member, nobleman of Minsk province Nikolai Reut and the permit for residence in the Russian empire.
2 January 1876.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 295, op. 1, d. 3034, l. 1)
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Request from the Deputy Interior Minister to the governor of Minsk to permit the noblemen of Igumen district Iordan and Iosif Korbuts exiled to Siberia for participation in the uprising to return homeland.
9 January 1876.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 295, op. 1, d. 3035, l. 1-2)
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Information from the governor-general of Vilna, Grodno and Kovno to the civil governor of Minsk about the return from emigration of the uprising’s participant, private doctor from Novogrudok, Vladislav Borzobogaty, his departure to the province of Kostroma and the submission of a request by his wife Frantishka to give her and her children the Russian citizenship.
27 March 1876.
Handwritten on letterhead.
(NIAB, f. 295, op. 1, d. 2747, l. 9-10)
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