Training workshop on Records Management and Archival Science in Gomel

On 6 October 2011, the archives and records management department at the Gomel Regional Executive Committee held a consultative training workshop on Records Management and Archival Science.

The workshop organiser is the Belarusian “Knowledge” Society in Gomel.

The participants at the workshop were records managers, personnel office staff, heads of institutional archives.

The workshop discussed the following issues:

  1. Legislation in records management and archive business in the Republic of Belarus and the system of state control over its observance. The results of work of the State Inspection for Archives and Records Management in the Gomel Region. Review of auditing inspections in 2011, legislation drawbacks and violations committed by the economic entities.
  2. Requirements to entries in documents and local normative legal acts in compliance with the “Instruction on records management in government institutions in the Republic of Belarus” (resolution by the Justice Ministry of Belarus of 19.01.2009 №4).
  3. Institutional forms. The procedure of using a corner stamp. The procedure of using, registering and confirming record forms with the picture of the National Emblem of the Republic of Belarus.
  4. Common requirements to creating records with the computer.
  5. File classification plans.
  6. Preservation of records at institutional archive in government institutions (archive organisation, requirements to storage facilities, equipment, files storage and arrangement). Types of archives. The procedure of transferring files to an archive. Records appraisal in an institution’s recordkeeping and archive. Definition of records retention periods.
  7. Ownership of records in the reorganisation, liquidation and privatisation of juridical persons or the loss of the owner.