Meeting with students as part of the pilot project «Young Archivist»

On December 18, 2023, at secondary school No.3 of Novogrudok named after V.G. Gakhovich, a lesson was held as part of the pilot project «Young Archivist» with the participation of the director of the institution «Zonal State Archive in Novogrudok» A.S. Zabelinskaya.

Using the example of the virtual documentary exhibition «Paetu ad udziachnykh naschadka», dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the birth of the poet Adam Mickiewicz, A.S. Zabelinskaya told students about the important direction of the work of the state archive, such as the use of documents in general and, in particular, about exhibition activities.

The presented virtual exhibition demonstrates documents and photographs about the perpetuation of the poet’s memory in the city of Novogrudok: the post-war restoration of the Mickiewicz house-museum and the collection of exhibits, the renaming of the street, the production and installation of monuments, the opening of the museum, and the holding of various citywide events in memory of A. Mickiewicz.