On April 3, 2023, young specialists of the «Belarusian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation» together with their colleagues from the «Belarusian State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art» visited the Museum of Modern Belarusian Statehood

On April 3, 2023, young specialists of the «Belarusian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation» together with their colleagues from the «Belarusian State Archive-Museum of Literature and Art» visited the Museum of Modern Belarusian Statehood.

Today the Museum of Modern Belarusian Statehood is one of the youngest museums in Belarus. The exposition of the museum covers the period of modern history of the Republic of Belarus from 1990 to the present day.

The tourists were shown the «Declaration of State Sovereignty of the BSSR» (1990), told how the first presidential elections were held, state symbols, and the system of state administration. The exposition of the museum, reflecting the achievements of sovereign Belarus in the field of science, culture and sports, aroused keen interest among young people.

The event was organized on the initiative of the employees of the archive of scientific and technical documentation of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union and was supported by the leadership of the archives: Deputy Director of BGAMLI – A.V.Makarenko and Deputy Director of BGANTD – Yu.A.Naturyev.