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Department for Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus
Main tasks
Excerpt from the Statute of the Department of Archives and
Records Management of the Republic of Belarus
(the full
text in Russian) adopted by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the
Republic of Belarus No 986 of July 31, 2006
Item 5. Main tasks of the Department:
- to develop and implement the government policy in the sphere of archives and records management;
- to organize the formation of the National Archival Holdings of the Republic of Belarus; to provide for documents preservation, maintenance and use;
- to observe compliance with legislation related to archives and records management;
- to provide guidance to the central and local government institutions in records management;
- to provide, together with other concerned government agencies and research institutions, appropriate conditions for the development of electronic recordkeeping;
- to provide guidance and assistance to the republic-level archival institutions;
- to supervise the creation and use of the official heraldic symbols of the Republic of Belarus;
- to provide an organization for further professional training in the field of archives and records management; to provide guidance on educational programming in archives, records management, and special historical disciplines;
- to provide for research study in the field of archives, records management, archival publications, and electronic recordkeeping; to ensure the introduction of research developments in government, archival and other institutions;
- to promote international cooperation in the field of archives and records management.