Proposals from the Belarusian Council of People’s Commissars and the
Belarusian Communist Party Central Committee to the Soviet Union Communist Party Central
Committee on the top-priority measures for the reconstruction of the Republic.
November 1943.
(NARB, f. 4p, op. 29, d. 27, l. 53-54) |
Resolution of the Belarusian Council of People’s Commissars and the
Belarusian Communist Party Central Committee "On urgent measures in the
reconstruction and building of houses for farmers, factory and office workers in the
liberated districts of Mogilev, Gomel, Polesie and Vitebsk regions of the Belarusian
14 November 1943.
(NARB, f. 4p, op. 3, d. 1248, l. 30-32) |
Resolution of the Belarusian Council of People’s Commissars "On the
reopening of district state archives in the areas liberated from the Nazis".
Gomel. 27 January 1944.
Certified copy.
(NARB, f. 4p, op. 29, d. 16, l. 55) |
Resolution of the military council of the 1st Belarusian Front "On
measures of assistance from the front in the reconstruction of the Belarusian
25 February 1944.
Autograph of К.К. Rokossovsky.
(NARB, f. 4p, op. 29, d.61, l. 10, 14) |
Letter from the Secretary of the Yaroslavl Regional Party Committee,
Mikhailov, to the Belarusian Communist Party Secretary, P.K. Ponomarenko, concerning the
assistance from Yaroslavl workers to the Belarusian Republic. The list of things collected
in the Yaroslavl region, Russia, to assist Belarus.
27 March 1944.
(NARB, f. 4p, op. 29, d. 15, l. 59-60) |
Resolution of the the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus
"On participation of the Belarusian districts in the rebuilding of the city of
3 October 1944.
(NARB, f. 4p, op. 29, d. 802, l. 8) |
Telegram from the Belarusian Communist Party Secretary, Malinin, to
secretaries of regional party committees with a proposal to help the educational
authorities in organising the New Year celebrations.
Minsk. 26 December 1944.
(NARB, f. 4p, op. 29, d. 279, l. 8) |
From the information note of the Belarusian Council of People’s Commissars
concerning the materials and equipment received by Belarus from other Soviet republics and
regions between April and December 1944.
Minsk. After 1 January 1945.
(NARB, f. 7, op. 3, d. 1770, l. 205, 210) |
Resolution of the Belarusian Council of People’s Commissars "On the
rebuilding of a tuberculosis sanatorium in the township of Novaya Elnya, Dyatlovo
district, Baranovichi region."
Minsk. 15 January 1945.
(State Archives of Grodno Region, f. 1171, op. 1, d. 22, l. 12) |