Archival practice of 2nd-year students of the history department of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank in the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus

From October 7 to 11, 2024, archival practice of 2nd-year students of the history department of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank was organized at the National Archives of the Republic of Belarus within the framework of the cooperation agreement.

Deputy Director of the archive S.V. Kulinok delivered a welcoming speech to the students. Addressing the interns, Svyatoslav Valentinovich emphasized the importance of archives for our society and the state, and also expressed confidence that the interaction of the archive and educational institutions brings only positive results.

In order to familiarize the student interns with the structure of the archive, its main areas of work, the head of the department of personal funds I.V. Dorogush conducted a tour of the archive.

The students learned about the work of the reading room, the exhibition and publication activities of the archive, visited the archives of personal collections and partisan formations.

During the internship, the students will become more familiar with the profession of «archivist», acquire both theoretical and practical skills in mastering archival types of work.


1. Deputy Director of the National Archives S.V. Kulinok welcomes student interns.
2. Deputy Director of the National Archives S.V. Kulinok speaks to students.
3. Reception of student interns at the National Archives.
4. Student interns familiarize themselves with the archive’s publications.
5. Dorogush I.V. familiarizes student interns with the documents of partisan formations.
6. Dorogush I.V. familiarizes student interns with documents of partisan formations.
7. Dorogush I.V. familiarizes student interns with documents of personal origin funds.
8. Dorogush I.V. familiarizes student interns with documents of personal origin funds.
9. Student interns during a visit to the storage facility of personal origin funds.