Genealogical records for Zhabinka District, 1944 – 1952, 1954, 1965 – 1968

State Archives of Brest Region

Name of record Date of record Fond/Inventory number File number
Property inventories and certificates of assessed value of the deported households who were alleged as better-off (kulaks) December 1944, 1945, 1946, 1951, 1952, 1954 848/1 181, 184, 197, 344, 369-370, 383
Certificates of property confiscation of households alleged as better-off (kulaks) 1945 – 1952, 1954 848/1 185-188, 198-206, 225-231, 236-257, 261-309, 311-339, 345-363, 371-375, 382
Lists of residents shot by the Nazi SD punitive expedition 1947 835/1 45
Records of awarding mothers having many children with the order "Mother’s Glory" and the "Medal for Motherhood" 1947 -1949 835/1 83
Lists of mothers having many children awarded with the "Medal for Motherhood" 1947 – 1949 835/1 12, 13
Personal files of families alleged as "kulaks" (better-off peasants) 1947 – 1952 835/1 1 – 70
Personal files of families alleged as "kulaks" (better-off peasants) 1947 – 1952 848/2 1 – 42
Lists of deputies to the district council 1965 – 1966 835/1 435
Lists of chairmen and secretaries of village councils 1967 – 1968 835/1 480