Main census records for Brest uezd Grodno province

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Grodno

Estates Years Fond/Inventory Item number
Clergy 1795 24/7 263
Gentry 1795 24/7 263, 264, 266, 268 – 276
Freemen 1795 24/7 263, 264, 266 – 276
Town-dwellers 1795 24/7 263
Jews 1795 24/7 263, 264, 266 – 271, 273, 274, 276
Priests 1795 24/7 263, 275
Peasants 1795 24/7 263, 264, 266, 268 – 276
Merchants 1811 24/7 283
Town-dwellers 1811 24/7 283
Freemen 1811 24/7 283 – 287
Peasants 1811 24/7 283 – 287
Gentry 1811 24/7 284 – 287
Peasants 1850 24/7 293

The additional census data on non-confirmed gentry and Jews
Brest uezd Grodno province

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Grodno

Estates Years Fond/Inventory Item number
Peasants 1864 24/7 303
Town-dwellers 1864 24/7 303