Genealogical records for Borisov District, 1924, 1928

State Archives of Minsk Region

Territorial unit Name of record Date of record Fond/Inventory number File number
The whole district Autobiographies of school workers 1924 10/1 123
the town of Borisov Address data 1924 10/1 124
Bytcha Correspondence with the village councils and state farms (sovkhoz) about giving hayfields to the peasants having insufficient land. Applications  for receipt of hayfields 1924 46/1 188
  Minutes of the volost commission’s sessions; registers of land cases in dispute; deeds for division of land and property 1924 46/1 186
  Suit cases for division of land and property, for cancellation of illegal transactions 1924 46/1 191 – 202
Mstizh selsovet, the township of Mstizh Case on establishing guardianship over the minor Martashilo 1924 38/1 23
  Certificates of the minors’ property inspection 1924 38/1 22
Loshnitsa selsovet, the village of Loshnitsa List of persons deprived of universal suffrage 1928 1715/2 52
Iurievo selsovet, the village of Iurievo Minutes of citizens’ meetings 1924 36/1 16