Genealogical records for Gomel Province, 1921 – 1926

State Archives of Gomel Region

Name of record Date of record Fond/Inventory number File number
Questionnaires, certificates, and notifications of births, marriages, devorces and deaths 1921 – 1922 428/1 505
Registry of births and deaths by districts (uezds) 1921 – 1922 428/1 516
Certificates and abstracts of parish records of births, devorces and deaths; personal cards of persons subject to military call-up 1922 – 1923 428/1 563
Abstracts of record book of births; certificates of deaths 1922 – 1923 9/1 90
Documents on ascertaining the age by the outward appearance (reports, correspondence, certificates, lists) 1924 9/1 213
Documents on ascertaining the age by the outward appearance (reports, correspondence, certificates, lists) 1924 9/1 214
Documents on ascertaining the age by the outward appearance (reports, correspondence, certificates, lists) 1924 9/1 215
Documents on ascertaining the age by the outward appearance (reports, correspondence, certificates, lists) 1924 9/1 217
Copies of certificates of births, marriages, devorces, and deaths 1924 9/1 220
Applications for marriages; certificates of births and deaths 1924 – 1925 9/1 209
Documents on ascertaining the age by the outward appearance (reports, correspondence, certificates, lists) 1924 – 1925 9/1 218
Applications and certificates of ascertaining the age by the outward appearance 1924 – 1925 9/1 221
Applications and certificates of births 1924 – 1925 9/1 223
Certificates of births 1925 9/1 472
Applications for ascertaining the age by the outward appearance 1925 9/1 473
Applications and certificates of ascertaining the age by the outward appearance 1925 9/1 474
Applications and certificates of ascertaining the age by the outward appearance 1925 9/1 475
Applications and certificates of ascertaining the age by the outward appearance 1925 9/1 476
Lists of citizens for ascertaining the age by the outward appearance 1925 9/1 477
Applications and lists of citizens for ascertaining the age by the outward appearance 1925 – 1926 9/1 478
Documents on ascertaining the age by the outward appearance (reports, correspondence, certificates, lists) 1926 9/1 689
Documents on ascertaining the age by the outward appearance (reports, correspondence, certificates, lists)  1926 9/1 690