Main census records for Gomel uezd Mogilev province

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk

Estates Years Fond/Inventory Item number
Landowners’ peasants (the estate of Gomel) 1788 3014 / 1 7, 8
Landowners’ peasants (the estate of Gomel) 1795-1803 3014 / 1 10-12, 25
Landowners’ peasants (the estate of Gomel) 1811 3014 / 1 20
Landowners’ peasants (the estate of Gomel) 1816 3014 / 1 26-32
Landowners’ peasants (the estate of Gomel) 1834 3014 / 1 40, 66, 86, 90-92, 94, 95, 98
Landowners’ peasants (the estate of Gomel) 1850 3013 / 1 102-109
Landowners’ peasants (the estate of Gomel) 1858 3013 / 1 205-213
Peasants of the Korma volost 1858 2151 / 1 85

The additional census data on Gomel uezd Mogilev province

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk




Item number

Jews, Jewish farmers no date 2151 / 1 86
Different estates no date 2151 / 1 87
Peasants, retired soldiers, cantonists 1876-1878 2151 / 1 84
Town-dwellers (the town of Gomel ) 1879-1881 2151 / 1 168