Genealogical records for Kobrin District, 1939 – 1941

State Archives of Brest Region

Name of record Date of record Fond/Inventory number File number
Instructions of the Provisional Administration of the Polesie Region for registration of refugees; lists of refugees 22.11.1939 – 27.12.1939 649/1 3
Questionnaires and lists of citizens stating their family and property status 1939 649/1 20
Lists of voters in elections to the People’s Assembly of Western Belarus 1939 649/1 24
Biographical particulars and autobiographies of the district executive committee staff 1940 – 1941 282/2 87
Lists of the poor people 1940 – 1941 282/2 84
Lists of deputies to district and village councils; lists of chairmen of collective farms and village councils 1940 – 1941 282/1 22
Lists of deputies to district and village councils; lists of chairmen of collective farms and village councils 1940 – 1941 282/2 39, 43, 54
Lists of deputies to district and town councils. Lists of department heads of the district executive committee 1941 282/1 31