Main census records for Gorki uezd Mogilev province

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk

Estates Years Fond/Inventory Item number
Different estates 1772 2151 / 1 88
State peasants 1858 2151 / 1 150
Jews (Jewish communities of Gorki and Sava), Jewish farmers 1858 2151 / 1 150
Jews (Baevo, Rossasna boroughs) 1858 2151 / 1 155
Jews (Gorki borough) 1858 2151 / 1 152
Jews (Dubrovena borough) 1858 2151 / 1 153
Jews (Liady borough) 1858 2151 / 1 154

The additional census data on Gorki uezd Mogilev province

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk




Item number

Peasants, soldiers 1867-1870 2151 / 1 89
Termless retired soldiers 1869-1870 2151 / 1 91
Peasants, termless retired soldiers 1869 2151 / 1 92
Termless retired soldiers 1871-1872 2151 / 1 93, 94
Landowners’ and state peasants 1874-1877 2151 / 1 96
Christian town-dwellers (Christian community of Gorki) 1874-1877 2151 / 1 97
Jews (Jewish community of Dubrovena) 1874-1876 2151 / 1 98
Jews (Jewish community of Kopys) 1874-1877 2151 / 1 104-106
Jews (Jewish community of Liady) 1874-1877 2151 / 1 99
Jews (Jewish community of Rossasna) 1874-1877 2151 / 1 100