Zonal State Archives in Bobruisk

Historical background

The Archives was founded as the State Archives of Bobruisk Region on December 5, 1944.

In 1954, following the liquidation of the Bobruisk region the Archives was reorganized as the Bobruisk Municipal State Archives.

In November 1963 the Bobruisk municipal archives was consolidated with the Bobruisk, Glusk, Kirov, Klichev and Osipovichi district archives into the Branch of the State Archives of Mogilev Region in Bobruisk.

On March 1, 1996 the Branch was renamed as the Zonal State Archives in Bobruisk.

On 13 February 2007 the Zonal State Archives in Bobruisk was turned into the Bobruisk Zonal State Archives.

On 20 March 2012 the Bobruisk Zonal State Archives was renamed as the Zonal State Archives in Bobruisk