Zonal State Archives in Kobrin

Finding aids

Number of inventories (opisi) — 660


Systematic catalogue 20 895 cards
Name catalogue 2 093 cards

Specialized card catalogues

Persons deported to Germany
Persons deported to Bialystok
Persons who moved to Poland in the postwar time
Persons recommended for awarding
Distribution of land plots for building garages
Kulaks (better-off peasants) households
Distribution of land plots for capital construction
Appraisal reports for houses and grounds
Building commissioning and acceptance reports
Memorable places in the districts of Bereza, Kobrin and Pruzhany
Belarusian emigration in the early 20th century and the participation of the BSSR citizens in the development of under-populated and remote regions of the USSR
History of localities
Names and renames of streets
History of religious institutions
History of collective farms and government institutions


The Local State Archives in Kobrin: Guidebook (1944 – 2011). Brest: Alternativa, 2014

Information and reference materials

524 items

Reference library

2 102 items

The Library comprises encyclopaedias, guides to archival holdings, dictionaries, historical and political literature.