Main census records for Bykhov uezd Mogilev province

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk

Estates Years Fond/Inventory Item number
Peasants (vill. Barkolabovo) 1816 2151 / 1 78
Peasants 1834 2151 / 1 79
Priests and families 1857 2151 / 1 80
Landowners’ peasants 1858 2151 / 1 81

The additional census data on Bykhov uezd Mogilev province

National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk




Item number

Jewish town-dwellers 1861 2151 / 1 82
Peasants, town-dwellers, retired soldiers 1870 2151 / 1 83
Peasants, retired soldiers, cantonists 1876-1878 2151 / 1 84